Evidence At Trial: Building A Comprehensive Presentation Strategy
March 12, 2012
Demonstrative Exhibits
March 15, 2012Note: “Around The Blawgs” spotlights and shares excerpts of noteworthy
posts from among the The ABA Journal’s “Blawg 100.”
From Persuasive Litigator:
Personify Loss
March 12, 2012
By Dr. Ken Broda-Bahm
Legal cases are about loss: asserting, proving, disputing, and defending against loss. Those who study and practice civil litigation have a strong interest in knowing how people comprehend and give meaning to loss, because that is what determines their reaction to your case. And current events provide a fitting, albeit tragic, example. On February 22nd, veteran wartime correspondent Marie Colvin was killed alongside French photographer Remi Ochlik by the Syrian government’s shelling of the city of Homs. The iconic reporter had spent her career covering conflicts in every imaginable hot spot: Iraq, Palestine, the Balkans, Chechnya, East Timor, Israel, and lost her left eye while covering the civil war in Sri Lanka. Wherever she was, she was far from the only one at risk, but she was there because she chose to put her life on the line to shine a light on stories that would otherwise be invisible. ip address . Her funeral mass is today in New York City.
Visit Persuasive Litigator to read the complete post here.