EP Proudly Congratulates: Panish Shea & Boyle, LLP
March 23, 2012
EP Proudly Congratulates: The deRubertis Law Firm, PLC; Law Offices Of Donald S. Lucien
March 30, 2012Nowhere is the old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” more true than in the courtroom.
By Rick Kraemer
Every attorney would agree that early and thorough preparation is essential to the success of a case. Many attorneys, however, fail to realize that proper preparation is also critical when it comes to developing visual aids for trial. Early visual aids planning will enhance your oral presentation and go a long way in creating an effective and convincing presentation before a judge or jury.
When is the best time to begin developing visuals? As soon as you know that your case is headed for arbitration or trial. Set aside an appropriate amount of time to discuss your case with a graphics consultant who can then help you devise a graphics strategy that will best help convince a judge or jury to your interpretation of the facts.
While attorneys often feel comfortable absorbing information by wading through reams of written documents, members of the general public do not. More and more, they are used to and expect to receive information visually. Television news clips and instant access to graphically enhanced information over the Internet means jurors have less patience and less of an attention span for “plain-wrapped” presentations from attorneys. They are used to the rapid-fire pace of attorney centered television programs and Court TV. They want to hear a case in easily-understood, visually-pleasing pictures. web security In other words, they want to be entertained while being informed. Visuals can do just that.