February 29, 2012
Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but video has the potential to be worth millions – of dollars. Attorneys are winning record-breaking settlements and awards for their clients by using video presentations to effectively communicate the most important — and perhaps least tangible — element of their case: loss. When presenting damages, a well-executed video is simply the most powerful tool available to conclusively convey extent and consequence. Be it corporate mediators, opposing counsel, insurance adjuster or jury, video places the “decision makers” directly inside the plaintiff’s situation, delivering an incisive perspective of the liable party’s negative impact upon your client. And by providing the most accurate assessment of what the damages are worth, better ensures against the unfortunate possibilities of slower settlements or disproportionate awards. “A concise and compelling mediation video on damages eliminated all of the insurance company’s ‘wiggle room,’” says Gerald E. Agnew, of Torrance-based Agnew & Brusavich. But before grabbing a camera to make your next presentation that much more compelling, consider the following five factors as your foundation for using video to express damages — both in and out of court. Read the complete article here. domain server . Igilgometa .